Fee Structur

Kids Campus

PlayGroup to 4rth Class  
Monthly Tuition Fee: RS - 3500
Admission Fee: RS - 5000
Annual Subscription Fee: RS - 5000
Admission Processing Fee: RS - 200
Total Payable at the time of Admission: RS - 13700

Middle Department

5th, 6th & 7th Classes  
Monthly Tuition Fee: RS - 4000
Admission Fee: RS - 5000
Annual Subscription Fee: RS - 5000
Admission Processing Fee: RS - 200
Total Payable at the time of Admission: RS - 14200

Secondary School Department

8th, 9th & 10th Classes  
Monthly Tuition Fee: RS - 4500
Admission Fee: RS - 5000
Test Session Fund (till October): RS - 5000
Admission Processing Fee: RS - 200
Total Payable at the time of Admission: RS - 14700


From 8th , 9th and 10th Classes, TEST SESSION fee will be charged from October till annual exam.

Rules of Payment

1)   Fees are charged for all twelve months of the year and are payable every month.
2)   Parents have the option to pay the fee for the whole year as a lump sum.
3)   The fees payable for the period of the summer vacation are paid in advance and prior to closure.
4)   Once the fee bill has been issued, payment is made directly to the bank where the school operates its account. Parents must pay the fees by the date specified on the fee bill.
5)   Fees paid after the due date is subject to a flat surcharge as specified on the fee bill.
6)   If the tuition fee has not been paid by the end of the second month, the student is automatically withdrawn.