Essential Values

In a variety of settings, situations and occasions at our school a student learns, understands and pledges to live up to the Stars Essential Values. Integrity

He pledges that he will hold integrity as the paramount value to pursue in life while performing his duties, in all circumstances and at all levels. Humanity and Self-Respect

He pledges to value and respect humanity and to maintain his self-respect considering that alongside each person’s right to be treated with respect goes the responsibility to treat others in the same way. The overwhelming message from our social and moral values is that all, students and staff alike, should be treated with respect.

Fairness and Justice

He pledges that he will observe all his duties and responsibilities with fairness and justice and these two virtues will predominate in all his decisions and deeds in all circumstances and at all levels during and after his school life.


He understands and demonstrates that the basis of all disciplines is self-discipline. He maintains a sense of order and neatness in his life and observes his responsibilities in an organized way. He learns and follows the rules and regulations of the school.


He pledges that he will do his best to achieve highest standards in academic, behavioral, intellectual and vocational excellence. A Star is always determined to do his best for the best. The tradition of the pursuit of excellence is as old at Stars as Stars itself.

Stars Spirit

He pledges that he will kindle and keep alive Stars Spirit which encapsulates all the ideologies and values taught at Stars. This spirit guides and prepares them for a purposeful and disciplined life to achieve their high aims with remarkable decision power, outstanding determination, and courage to face challenges of academic and practical life.

Self-trust and Honour

He shows confidence in his abilities and employees them for the good of his fellow beings. He takes pride in service and seeks to win hour through service.


He shows concern for the welfare of the community in which he lives and has the courage to sacrifice his personal interests for the collective interest of his fellow beings.

High Aims and High Mentality

He pledges to aim high in academic and practical life. He keeps his mental level high and does not indulge in negative acts. He possesses and follows high ideals and tries to know the purpose of his creation.

Team Spirit

He understands that every student can achieve success and that their success will be greater if they all pull together as a part of the Stars team. He recognizes his potential and responsibilities as a member of his team and he also knows when and how to lead his team. The leader inside every Star wakes when the time of his leadership arrives. Through discipline and respect we gain knowledge. Through teamwork combined with hard work we attain excellence. Through fairness, justice and sacrifice we win honour.